The Church of Jesus Saviour is a Roman Catholic Parish founded to serve the Portuguese Community and we welcome all spiritual Catholics of every ethnic background. We believe in the dignity of human life and center our faith on the Sacraments and teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.  We serve our Lord Jesus Christ by adhering to the gospels, through evangelization, and utilize the time, talent and treasure of our members as the corner stone of our many parish ministries.

The Church of Jesus Saviour

Spiritual Communion Prayer

"My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament of the altar. I love you above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul.  Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentaly, come at least spiritually into my heart...I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You.  Never permit me to be separated from You." Pope Francis

Mass Update

Church is open for Mass on Saturday at 4pm and Sunday at 7:30am & 9am. Daily Mass is also being held on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday & Saturday at 8am.

The capacity at Mass is now at 100%.  

Photo Albums

Photo Albums

  • Contributors of the Grateful for God's Providence Campaign came together for a photo op on November 11 after the 9am Mass

Office Hours

Monday thru Friday, 8am-3pm

Mass Times

Daily Mass: M, W-SA 8am
Saturday: 4pm
Sunday: 7:30am & 9am

Confessions: Saturdays 3-3:30pm

Click Below for Online Giving with WeShare


Photo Albums

Ordination of Fr. Hiep Nguyen




There are no upcoming scheduled events.

St. Vincent de Paul Society

The St. Vincent de Paul Society helps those in need. They help with rental payments, utility bills and food.  If you need assistance, and you live in Newport County, please call them at 401-236-2453.  Please leave a message and they will contact you.

St. Vincent de Paul email address:

Photo Albums

  • Ordination to the Priesthood June 3, 2017